Sunday, June 17, 2007

Three Words

To my Daddy,
You are awesome!
My favorite dad!
Happy Father's Day!
I love you!

Friday, June 08, 2007

Capitol Days 2007

During the spring we went to four Capitol Days once a month hosted by THSC. They describe the experience like this: "THSC representatives, legislators, and legislative staff members will educate attendees about the legislative process and train them to lobby. Each month there will be different speakers and topics, depending on the current issue of concern for Texas home educators. In the afternoon, students, parents, and chaperones will head to the Capitol to meet and lobby legislators; then finally reconvene for a debriefing."


Debra during Role Playing (practicing what we were going to say when we lobbied later in the day).

Rattlesnakes in the outdoor rotunda of the Capitol annex.

Close up.

"Ain't she a beaut'! "

The fangs. Yes, the REAL fangs.

It's not every day you get a picture with a rattlesnake in the Capitol.

One of the staff whom we lobbied.

With Mr. Lambert afterwards.


Our teammates.

With friend and representative from San Antonio, Nathan Macias

April - We have no pictures from April because Paul had the camera while visiting Sequim, Washington.



This time there was no homeschooling bill that THSC thought needed lobbying so we delivered cookies instead.

"Would you like some cookies?"

Grace and I in the underground Capitol annex. Our families had been put together on a team.

More cookies.

On the Capitol steps.

Debriefing afterwards.

Two men conversing about important issues.

Two ladies smiling about a job well done.


Friday, June 01, 2007

Discovering A New Word

The joy which comes from God is inexpressible.
The extent of God's peace is incomprehensible.
The majesty of God is indescribable.
God's holiness is unutterable.
God is ineffable.

Ineffable: Incapable of being expressed or described in words; inexpressible.
