Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Bedford Tournament

The Bedford Speech and Debate Tournament, February 22-24, was amazing...

There are no pictures from the first day and a half due to someone (ok, it was me :-) misplacing the camera, but here is what I do have.

Paul cross-examining Joel in Lincoln-Douglas debate. They happened to discover before this round that they were born on the exact same day in the same county (different hospitals, though).

They're still smiling later =D!

Alex and Lauren--two cheerful girls who I am honored to know.

Daniel and Paul. Daniel was in speech and debate until he graduated two years ago. Now, he's back on the other side of the table judging.

Austin Rhetoric Club (ARC). I love 'em all!

Chit-chatting with Jessie. You do enough talking when you're competing, but you do at least 50 times more talking when you're not competing. Jokes, theological discussions, small talk (why do they call it "small" when that amounts to the largest chunk of talking a person does?), getting-to-know-you talk, tons of "Hello's", and, of course, bushels of laughter.

Conversing with the world's greatest speech club coach (in my highly unbiased opinion:-)

Defending the faith through Apologetics.

Paul S. and Paul H.

Anxiously listening to the tournament director annouce "breaks" to find out who will advance to the next level.

Paul and Nick Elledge. I couldn't begin to name all of the awards he's received, but awards don't really matter anyway. What counts is what you've learned through earning those awards, and how you apply that in the world to make a difference.

Adam, Sarah, Christina, and Rachel. Adam, Sarah, and Rachel have all gone to the final round at the National tournament in various speech events. They are super talented, super humble, and super on fire for God. I've never heard any of them bragging on themselves, yet I've heard all of them talking about how good God is. And boy, is He ever!

My mom and Mrs. Hardy. The guy in the picture above (Adam) is Mrs. Hardy's son.

On Sunday, we visited our sister church in Dallas so my mom and I decided to kidnap this cute baby girl named Sophia. I've always wanted to have a sister! Don't you think she'd make a lovely addition to our family?

In a MacDonald's playscape. I haven't been in a fast food playground in ages. It brought back so many memories...


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