Saturday, December 01, 2007

An "Adventures in Odyssey" adventure

I thought I would chime in here to mention something interesting (at least to me that is, a doting father:-). Back in August, Focus on the Family's Adventures in Odyssey invited listeners to call a special phone line to record their comments about the program, which just celebrated its 20th anniversary. Christina did leave them a message, and it turns out that it was broadcast for all the world to hear on the November 20, 2007 edition of James Dobson's Focus on the Family broadcast. You can hear her starting just after the 15 minute mark at the following link:

This link may only be active for a couple more weeks, so if you try to listen to the broadcast and it's not available any more, perhaps you can ask Christina for it since Focus on the Family sent her a copy of that day's broadcast.

Celebrating 20 Years of "Adventures in Odyssey": Part 1

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

It teaches kids about faith, honesty, compassion, and courage. It provides countless hours of entertainment and makes long road trips enjoyable. We celebrate the 20th anniversary of Adventures in Odyssey, Focus on the Family's highly popular radio drama for kids that is equally loved by adults. Listeners share fun and touching stories about the life-changing impact "Odyssey" has had on their family.

"['Adventures in Odyssey'] really reinforced what my parents were teaching me and the importance of honoring them." - Rebecca, a 14-year-old listener


~Pat III

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