Monday, July 02, 2007


The power of water continually amazes me. Yesterday after church my family drove to Mansfield Dam which holds in the flooding Lake Travis.

Out of the four open flood gates came monstrous gushes of water. Forcefully and speedily, it shot through the gates and descended into the churning waters of Lake Austin below. Then for some reason, it seemed as if the speed of the spray bouncing upward slowed down. In reality I'm sure it wasn't, but with that appearance it seemed as if the spray was turned into slow motion as it gracefully floated through the air only to again be tumulted into the rushing torrent.

The majesty and power of it all was breathtaking to see. Of course it wasn't nearly as spectacular as many waterfalls, but to think that it was on our very own Lake Travis was what made it so special.

The lake is flooding over with water. My question is, are we flooding over with Jesus? Can our lives come to the point where we are no longer getting to know Jesus and his love, faithfulness, mercy, peace, etc--but we are actually filling up on them to the point of overflowing? Flooding over. Can you just imagine that? No wrong motives, but simply a natural response to experiencing Jesus. "The majesty and power of it all would be breathtaking to see."

You can hoard everything you take in from your relationship with Jesus inside of you, but what if you had the courage to spill it out onto others? Opening the floodgates for others to then flood. How different could the world be if everyone was bubbling over with Jesus? Sure, you may not get results as spectacular as Billy Graham or Charles Spurgeon or Jonathon Edwards did, but to think that God can use you to make a difference is what makes it so special.


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